Topic: Playshop: Games, Creativity and Transformation Date: Monday, July 26th Place: Ravenna Park 20th Ave NE & NE 58th St (Metro buses Rt 48, 71, 72, 73, 83) Time: 6:00-9:00pm Admission: Free (Please bring a dish or beverage to share)
Indra's Rainbow's July Gathering will be our third annual community picnic/potluck. We are going to have a playshop, exploring the relationships between play, creativity and transformation. How would play and fun contribute to transformation? How critical a role does creativity play in conscious evolution? How would Homo Noeticus play and have fun? Please bring your ideas and objects for play. Bring musical instruments, drums, rattles as well.
Park info and directions:
If you are attending, please reply to:
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Speaker: Dawn Clark Date: Thursday, June 3rd Place: 2100 Building, 2100 24th Ave S. Seattle Bus Rt 4, 7, 9, 34, 42, 48 Time: 7:00-9:00pm Join us at 6:30pm for Social Time Suggested Donation: $5
We are very excited to welcome futurist, author, and sensitive Dawn Clark to Seattle on Thursday, June 3rd. Join us to enter what she calls "slip time," as she maps this uncharted territory and shares the hidden truth revealed to her in her near-death experience. Combining science with spirituality, she provides unique tools that provide the missing ingredients required to materialize prosperity, health, loving relationships and the life you've always wanted.
This program is for everyone who wants to learn how to get behind the steering wheel of life and create a better tomorrow. To do so, we must bridge the gap between our deeply held internal images and the way the universe really operates.
Through a series of experiential exercises, you will:
• Learn how to descramble the interference patterns that prevent you from logging on to "the field."
• Map the underlying framework of why we get stuck in life and how to move forward.
• Discover the essential ingredients for activating your dormant potential.
• Uncover hidden markers and tell tale signs of fractures to one's core matrix.
• Experience a guided meditation through "slip time" that initiate your ability to set sticky anchor points--a requisite for reverse engineering your new tomorrow.
Simply stated, this work takes you to the next level.
Collectively, Dawn provides a life changing perspective on your capacity to create wealth, intimacy, and well-being in life. Her tools empower you to reverse engineer a new tomorrow, access untapped resources, and gain the multi-dimensional intimacy required to engage your potential.
Internationally published, Dawn is a TED-nominated presenter, faculty member of Omega Institute and has guided individuals, corporations, and clients with 2010 Olympics, Wall Street Journal Online, ABC, PBS, and FOX.
Her website:
If you plan to attend, please reply to:
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BYO Mug, as always. Please take bus, train, ride bicycle.
Topic: Consciousness and Healing Date: Monday, June 28th Place: Greenwood Library 8016 Greenwood Ave. N., Seattle Metro Bus Rt: 5, 48, 35 Time: 6:00-7:45pm Admission: Free
Let's talk about the recent IONS teleseminar, "Consciousness and Downward Causation--Seeing Mind-Body Medicine from Another Perspective," a part of Exploring the Noetic Sciences series. Here is the description from the Shift in Action website:
"IONS president, Marilyn Schlitz, hosts this discussion with Noel Radcliffe, MD. Meditation, yoga, qigong and other mind body practices have been shown to have profound health benefits. The question of how these practices influence the state of our body remains a mystery. Science has measured stress hormones, heart rate, brain scans and many other health measures in an effort to understand the healing effects of a mindfulness practice. The science of medicine looks to the cellular level to explain what is happening. However, there is a fundamental difference in world view between western medicine and eastern philosophy, the origin of mind body medicine. It is based on whether change happens from the cellular level, (bottom up) or from the level of consciousness, (top down). Is matter or consciousness the ground of all being? When we talk about mind body medicine we think of mind over matter, our minds controlling some aspect of our body. What we really should be saying is consciousness over matter. Consciousness is primary, and can directly affect changes on the brain, leading to changes in the body’s health. No matter how you measure it, finding inner peace is healthy for you." |
Topic: Telekinesis and Human Potential Date: Monday, May 24th Place: Northeast Library 6801 35th Ave. N.E. Metro Bus: 64, 65, 71, 76, 83 Time: 6:00-7:45pm Admission: Free
Earlier this month, we co-sponsored a telekinesis workshop taught by Dr. Natalia Shareyko from the Institute of Biosensory Psychology in St. Petersburg, Russia. All thirty six participants successfully moved an object without touching it. Some of the workshop participants will share their experience, and we will discuss what the implications are in terms of mind/matter connection, healing, consciousness, and human potential.
Please bring some snacks to share. We'll provide tea. BYO Mug. |
Topic: Social Justice and Spirituality Date: Monday, April 26th Place: Greenwood Library, 8016 Greenwood Ave. N., Seattle Metro Bus Rt: 5, 48, 355 Time: 6:00-7:45pm Admission: Free
We are co-sponsoring the workshop, "Rising to the Challenges of These Testing Times" by James O'Dea and Margo Adair on Sunday, April 25th. We'll be discussing the same topic, "Social Justice and Spirituality" on the next day.
You do not have to attend the workshop to come to this meeting, but this will be a very rare and special workshop with the former president of IONS, James O'Dea. We hope you could come to both. The topic is very rich and core of the IONS mission, "advancing the science of consciousness and human experience to serve individual and collective transformation."
For information about the workshop: |