Indra's RAINBOW - Seattle IONS Community Group - Topic: New Beginning Date: Wednesday, August 22nd Place: Northeast Library 6801 35th Ave. N.E. Seattle Metro Bus: 64, 65, 71, 76, 83 Time: 6:00-8:00pm (Join us for social time at 5:30pm) Admission: Free IONS has a new president/CEO, Steve Villano, and the former IONS president, Dr. Marilyn Schlitz will serve a new role, Ambassador for Creative Projects and Global Affairs. (See the story: Indra's Rainbow also has a new Stewardship Team, and we are pondering the new beginning of both IONS and our local community group. IONS Mission: Broadening our knowledge of the nature and potentials of mind and consciousness and applying that knowledge to enhancing human well-being and the quality of life on the planet. IR Purpose: Forming a Noetic Community through Connecting and Awakening What does the world need IONS to be today? What role could IONS play while the major shift is taking place in the world? What are the roles of IONS community groups? How might we create a coherent Whole of IONS communities both locally and globally? Let's explore these inquiries and more to help launch IONS and IR's new beginning! |
The 5th Annual Picnic/Potluck Date: Monday, July 16th Place: Ravenna Park 20th Ave NE & NE 58th St (Metro buses Rt 48, 71, 72, 73, 83) Time: 6:00-9:00pm (Feel free to come early and play) Admission: Free (Please bring a dish or beverage to share) The purpose of our group is: Forming a Noetic Community Through Connecting And Awakening What could be a better way to form a community than picnic and potluck? Our 5th Annual Picnic will be on Monday, July 16th. We'll play, eat, talk, connect, explore and celebrate together. Please bring food and/or beverage to share. Bring your own cup, dish, silverware as well, to reduce trash. Park info and directions: If you are attending, please reply to:
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Directions to Ravenna Park from I-5 Southbound: * Take the N 85th St/NE 80th St exit. * Follow the sign to NE 80th St. * Go east on NE 80th St to 15th Avenue NE. * Turn right on to 15th Avenue NE to Ravenna Blvd. * Turn left on to Ravenna Blvd. * Take Ravenna Blvd to 20th Avenue NE. * Turn left on 20th Avenue NE. * The parking lot is on the right hand side of the street on the corner of NE 58th St and 20th Avenue NE. |
Topic: Living Deeply: The Art & Science of Transformation in Everyday Life Date: Monday, June 18th Place: Greenwood Library 8016 Greenwood Ave. N., Seattle Metro Bus Rt: 5, 48, 35 Time: 6:00-8:00pm (Join us for social time at 5:30pm) Admission: Free This month we will be discussing the book, Living Deeply: The Art & Science of Transformation in Everyday Life by Tina Amorok, PsyD, Marilyn Mandala Schlitz, PhD, and Cassandra Vieten, PhD. "Learning more about the terrain of consciousness transformation can not only give you a map, but can help you become the cartographer of your own transformative journey. Research over the last decade at the Institute of Noetic Sciences has systematically surveyed hundreds of people's stories of their own transformations, as well as conducting over 50 in-depth interviews with teachers and masters of the world's spiritual, religious, and transformative traditions. " (From IONS Website) IONS is conducting an 8-week telecourse (registration is closed) right now, and they are exploring questions such as What is a transformation of consciousness? What triggers transformation? How can we sustain the moments that move us beyond ourselves? and How can transformational experiences actually change our lives? You don't need to read this book to participate in the discussion; we will present the quotes and summaries from the book. If you have read the book, please bring your questions, insights and viewpoints. *************************************************************** Please bring some snacks to share. We'll provide tea and hot water. BYO Mug. If you plan to attend, please reply to:
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Center for Creative Change Event |
Topic: Noetic 101: Consciousness Matters Date: Thursday, May 24th Place: Antioch University 2326 6th Ave., Seattle Metro Bus Rt: 5, 26, 28, 358 Time: 6:00-8:00pm (Join us for social time at 5:30pm) Admission: Free
"Consciousness Matters"... what does that mean? This DVD will show IONS Research, Education and Application, and also includes presentations from IONS International Conference last year. What is Noetic Science? What role could Noetic Science play for social change? Join a discussion and exploration on individual and collective transformation towards the kind of world we could co-create. Antioch University Center for Creative Change Website: *************************************************************** Please bring some snacks to share. We'll provide tea and hot water. BYO Mug. If you plan to attend, please reply to:
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April Gathering--2012 [Rescheduled] |
Topic: Sacred Activism: Andrew Harvey's Work Date: Monday, May 14th Place: Greenwood Library 8016 Greenwood Ave. N., Seattle Metro Bus Rt: 5, 48, 35 Time: 6:00-8:00pm (Join us for social time at 5:30pm) Admission: Free Continuing our discussion about social change and activism from the standpoint of consciousness, this month we are highlighting the work of Andrew Harvey. Andrew Harvey is a poet, writer, teacher and mystic. At the age of 21, he became the youngest person ever to be awarded the Fellow of All Souls College, England's highest academic honor. He has written and edited over 30 books, including Dialogues with a Modern Mystic, The Way of Passion: A Celebration of Rumi, and Hidden Journey. He has taught at Oxford, Cornell and Hobart and William Smith College, and was the subject of the 1993 BBC documentary "The Making of a Mystic." He is the Founder of the Institute for Sacred Activism in Oak Park, Illinois. [From IONS Website] Are activists lacking interests in spirituality, too busy focusing on trying to change 'others'? Do spiritual communities tend to ignore social issues, saying "You need to change yourself first"? We'll explore these questions and how personal and collective transformations could intersect. You could download IONS Essential Shifts Interview with Andrew Harvey here: Andrew Harvey's website: *************************************************************** Please bring some snacks to share. We'll provide tea and hot water. BYO Mug. If you plan to attend, please reply to:
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Our website: For more info about IONS, go to: |
Topic: Activism and Consciousness Date: Monday, March 19th Place: Northeast Library 6801 35th Ave. N.E. Seattle Metro Bus: 64, 65, 71, 76, 83 Time: 6:00-8:00pm (Join us for social time at 5:30pm) Admission: Free
We have focused on an individual change and spirituality last two months. This month, we are looking into more collective and social dimensions of consciousness. How does consciousness relate to activism? What could Conscious Activism mean? What is the relationship between spirituality and collective consciousness?
Andrew Beath wrote a book called Consciousness to Action, and his workshop at 2007 IONS Conference is on IONS website (you can listen to or download for free):
His Shift magazine article, "Navigating the Future: A guide for Conscious Activism" is also available there.
Hope you have a chance to review those, and bring your thoughts and insights. We will explore how and why IONS could play an important role for this critical time of social change.