Topic: Bridging Gaps Date: Monday, June 16th Time: 6:30pm-9:00pm (Social time starts at 6:30, meeting starts at 7:00) Place: NWEEC Headquarters in Georgetown 650 S. Orcas St., Suite 220 Direction: Suggested Donation: $5
People spend little time outside of their social identity and communities are fragmented: young and old, rich and poor, black and white, conservative and progressive, vegans and carnivores, etc. It is essential in this time of tremendous peril on our planet that we connect, work together and build community that involves everyone. At this gathering we will explore different methodologies to bridge social gaps, from IONS thinkers as well as your own ideas and success stories. Guest Facilitator: Mark R. Jones Mr. Jones is concurrently the Chairman and CEO of The Sunyata Group—a group of For-Profit and Non-Profit organizations. For over twenty-five years, Mr. Jones has led and performed organization optimization, large-scale systems architecture and integration program for multi-national corporations and with the U.S. government. Mr. Jones is a Dharma leader and spiritual teacher—focused on the cultivation of wisdom, compassion, and skillful means in everyday life. Here is an article by Mark, Bridging the Gaps (pdf 286kb)