July Gathering--2013

The 6th Annual Picnic/Potluck: "Explore. Dream. Discover"

Date: Wednesday, July 24th

Place: Ravenna Park      20th Ave NE & NE 58th St

            Metro Bus Rt: 48, 71, 72, 73, 83

Time: 5:30-9:00pm  (Feel free to come early and play)

Admission: Free  (Please bring a dish and/or beverage to share)


Let's celebrate summer and our community. We'll play, eat, sing, connect and have wonderful conversations. The IONS 15th International Conference ("Explore. Dream. Discover") is in California, July 17-21 and some of us will share what we learned. Please bring a dish or beverage, musical instruments, toys and your own plate/cup/utensils. 


Our picnic is always well-attended and we have lots of fun. Hope you are able to come.