September Gathering--2012 |
Topic: Global Mind Change by Willis Harman Date: Monday, September 17th Place: Green Lake Library 7364 E. Green Lake Dr. N. Metro Bus Rt: 16, 48, 316 Time: 6:00-8:00pm (Join us for social time at 5:30pm) Admission: Free
This month we will be talking about the book by Willis Harman, Global Mind Change: The Promise of the 21st Century. Willis Harman was President of IONS from 1975 to 1996 (he passed away in 1997), and this book is regarded as one of the most definitive and representative of IONS works by many IONS members.
"Right now we are living through one of the most fundamental shifts in history--a change in the actual belief structure of Western industrial society. Global Mind Change, first published in 1988, connects every major field of human endeavor in its exploration of the possibilities for social transfromation through internal change. " (from IONS Website)
We will discuss consciousness as causal reality, the new paradigm in science, importance of transpersonal, and how they relate to systemic global change. Reading the book is not required to join our discussion, but if you have read the book, please come and share your thoughts. If you are new to IONS, you will learn what IONS is all about by the end of the evening.
*************************************************************** Please bring some snacks to share. We'll provide tea and hot water. BYO Mug. If you plan to attend, please reply to: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it