May Gathering--2011
Topic: Mysteries of Consciousness

Date: Monday, May 23

Place: Montlake Library  2401 24th Ave. E.
            Metro Bus Rts: 25, 43, 48

Time: 6:00-8:00pm  (Join us for social time at 5:30pm)
Admission: Free

One of the ongoing IONS Teleseminar Series (April-June) is "Mysteries of Consciousness."
"Our Vision" in the IONS website states: "It is our conviction that systematic inquiries into consciousness will catalyze positive concrete transfromations in the world."

What is consciousness? Is everything consciousness? Is consciousness an epiphenomenon of brain activities? These teleseminars give us some clues. Let's explore together this most fundamental topic of IONS, since Noetics often say: "Consciousness matters!"